Mother's Day Express Delivery

This category items are available for Express Delivery (inside Kathmandu Valley only) on Mother's Day.

Mother's Day gifts to Nepal online: Send mom special gifts for this Mother's Day from wide range of selection from saree, shawl, hand bags, special gift hampers, silver jewelries, flowers, watches, sugar free gifts, food gifts, cakes, fruits, chocolates, god statues and more.  Make your mum feel special. Order gifts online today for timely happy delivery on Mother’s Day in Nepal.

Suggested Gifts: 140 of 130
Show: 40

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Great customer service with good products and easy accessible website. Thank you for the service.
Unisha Shrestha, Sep 11, 2018, Verified Buyer
Effective and efficient as promised. Appreciate your service.
Puspa Joshi Rajbhandari, Sep 29, 2020, Verified Buyer

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